I recently started watching a Korean drama called Crash landing on you. In this blog post, I will mostly talk about my thoughts about watching this romantic fantasy series, without giving away too much (so no spoilers). So far I have only seen the first six episodes. I will write a more complete review after I finish.
Here’s a trailer of the series: I was hesitant at first. I thought that this show is just below me.Read more...
Here is a ghazal by the Urdu poet Jaun Eliya. You can read it in Hindi, Urdu and English in the original words here, with word meanings on highlight. Additionally, if you want to follow the pauses and the breaks that the poet himself makes while reciting it, you can check out this video of a mushaira in Dubai.
I have been thinking about these lines for a while now. Below, I have done a translation of the ghazal in English, couplet-wise.Read more...
New beginnings Here is a couplet Dr. Bashir Badr.
कोई फूल धूप की पत्तियों में हरे रिबन से बँधा हुआ
वो ग़ज़ल का लहजा नया नया न कहा हुआ न सुना हुआ
Here’s a translation in English:
A flower, leaves seemingly like the sun, tied together with a green ribbon,
The poetry here is very new, never before seen, never before heard of.
You can continue reading the rest of the poem here.Read more...